It's a beautiful day - again - at the farmette. Here's the result of several days' labour - the two Bills (our wonderful handyman and his buddy) who tore down and took away the broken fence, and Rob and my arm strength putting in the lovely dappled Japanese willow shrubs that will hopefully grow into something resembling a hedge.
Nice, eh?

Last Saturday was gorgeous too. Just right to celebrate Rosy Rhubarb with my two sisters. It's a festival held in Shedden, which is just west along Highway #3 from Frome, where we all grew up.

We had stayed at sister Barb's in London the night before, and got up early to catch the breakfast. Volunteers from the local Dutton Lion's Club were there to serve - scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage AND pancakes with maple syrup. We were stuffed by the time we stood up from the semi-rickety picnic table. Somebody in the past had put a permanent mark on it.

The festival is quite the event in the area. Loads and loads of home owners all up and down the highway have their annual yard sales, and the shoppers flock to get bargains.
On the grounds, there's a people transporter that says, "Slow down and listen to the rhubarb grow.

There were dozens of kiosks filled with local baked goods, crafts, fresh fruits and vegetables, rhubarb everything (crisps, pies, sauces) and art. I managed to snag a lovely painting by an artist who had traveled with her husband from Erin.
Her name is Dana Darling, and I think she's pretty talented. She told me her art is on display at the Alton Mills Art Gallery. This piece now has pride of place in my office. It's hanging behind me as I write.

On Saturday evening we had a lovely visit and dinner put on by our friend Karen near Woodstock. This is the Sunday morning, and Karen's holding Trixie, their Jack Russell rescue. She's actually the boss of the place. It was raining. A gorgeous, much-needed rain that we didn't mind driving through on the way home.
So, that's it. Another fantastic weekend trip in the books. So grateful for friends, family and good times.
Gratuitous cat photo courtesy of Fred, who was so exhausted from chasing springs around the house that he had to lay down to get a drink. Until next week.
