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Hanging out

It's a rainy day at the farmette. Hallelujah. It seems like rain has fallen all around us in September, but not ON us until today.

The news is at fever pitch about the Queen's funeral tomorrow. I think it's important to mark the occasion, but will welcome a bit of not-so-much-monarchy.

During latter half of the summer, sister Sandy and I started having 'fart around' days where we go out for lunch and then either do errands, shop locally or just hang out at the Thornton ranch. (Although there's usually SOMETHING to do chore-wise). It's just nice to be together.

Anyhow, a week ago Thursday, we had just such a day. Older sister Barb is spending some time with the Thorntons, so she came too.

After a few errands, we wound up in Thornbury at The Mill restaurant for lunch. Food was good. Service was slow, but we weren't in a hurry.

Here are a few highlights.

We got a table on the deck overlooking the river.

Here's Barb perusing the rather large selection on the menu.

As you can see, it was gorgeous day and we were primed for a scrumptious meal.

The restaurant is right on the Beaver River, with the sounds of water cascading through the dam.

We strolled a bit over the bridge, taking in the sights and sounds while taking photos of the decorative flower baskets.

Sandy's currently researching flowers to put in the back yard at her home for next year's big wedding. They're going all out for Rachel and Jesse. As they should!

I found out that this is a kind of verbena. It may or may not make the final cut, but it's fun to gather information on all these different plants.

From the looks of this blog, it seems like all I do is eat and hang out. Which I do quite a lot and I like it. I've also been very busy with a big writing project I'm doing for the Food from Thought program at the University of Guelph. It's been a blast learning about how all these scientists are trying to find ways to sustainably feed our growing population.

Until next week. Here's the gratuitous cat photo. Hobbes with his tilted head, sunning himself on the deck.


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