It's a gorgeous, though pretty chilly day at the farmette. Bright sunshine but single digit (4C) temperature.
It's Thanksgiving weekend and we were all warned not to congregate in large groups because COVID-19 is re-surging around the world. Unfortunately the orange American peril, who is quite deluded about the reality of the situation, invited the hordes to the lawn of the White House where everyone could infect everyone else. Oh well.
Sanity prevails here at the farmette. I'm so thankful for so many things today. I thought I'd list them off.

My life partner Rob. We're both getting older and creakier. But we can still make one another think and laugh. And that's not a small thing. I swear I would have lost my marbles a few times in the last few months if it hadn't been for the steady influence of a certain Scottish man.
When my business went very, very quiet. When the cats got sick. When Dr. Melanie died. He stayed steady. We cried and hugged and marched on.
The fur balls. They've been a bit trying lately with an upper respiratory infection that they've passed from one to another and back again, in Fred's case. But, fingers crossed, they're mostly out of the woods. Just a few more days of antibiotics for the Fredster and, hopefully, healthy days ahead.
Here he is trying to catch the Formula 1 cars on the television as they race around the track. They have to go somewhere, right?

We can be blamed for being crazy cat people. I don't mind. I seriously never thought we'd have five of them, though. For the first several years, we were a one-cat (Kate) family. Then, the collecting took over - some we actively sought out (Nick, Nora, Lily, Calvin). Some we rescued (Bea, Hobbes). Some were thrust upon us (Fred and Wilma). Doesn't matter now. As we say, over and over, we wouldn't have it any other way.

Family. The respite provided by the company of sister Sandy and her family is critical.
She's just recently started her own research consulting business, after decades in the pharmaceutical industry. I know she'll do really well. Cause she's a smarty pants like her sister (hahahaha).
But, seriously, I'm thankful for our walks in the woods. The teasing. The lunches. The snoozes after lunches. And the talks.
Gotta love the talks - and working through how we're feeling. Again, a truly steadying influence in the midst of the pandemic mayhem.

Friends. Pat Inett has been a virtual lifeline lo these many months. I've known Pat since we worked together in Toronto about a million years ago. She's the one I call when I have news that I just need to tell or a sympathetic ear (outside the farmette, of course) that I need to bend. I'm so grateful for her strong constitution, her unwavering support and her really, really, wicked sense of humour.
Tom Rekstis, my former boss, is another loooooong-time friend who, although he likes to play the old fart curmudgeon (which he does very, very well), I know he's in my corner.
I've also kept in touch with distant family and friends through Facebook and this blog.
For which I'm extremely thankful. I know it's not a 'normal' blog. It's not going to change my life or make me a millionaire. But, as a writer, it gives me solace, and something to do on a Sunday morning. I hope it's provided a bit of entertainment for those near and dear to my heart.
Until next week.