It's a grey day again in Grey County. Gorgeous and sunny yesterday, but I was down and out with a rotten cold, and while I'm better today, still a bit on the crappy, snotty side. Anyway.
Last week, when we celebrated Rachel and Rob's birthday at the Thorntons, Sandy wanted to show and tell me about the bunkie that they're fixing up out in their back fifty. Gotta say, they're doing a bang up job on it.

We got there via the new Kubota vehicle they got themselves for Christmas. It's quite the machine, with big conveyor belt-thingies (I'm so up on this stuff) for winter that convert to tires for spring/summer/fall. Named her Gertie. Not sure why, but it was one of those sisters-in-the-car conversations that prompted the moniker - sure it was Barb that suggested it.
Marley was a happy camper, as you can see. She's pretty good at keeping her balance while riding in the back.
The new vehicle has already been handy for toting furniture out to the wee cabin.
Like the bunkbeds that they've installed in the back bedroom.

Nice, eh? You can put a lot of people in there on a cold winter's night.
The cabin started out as a small project that kind of ballooned into a major construction.
What was a falling-down building is now a sturdy, strong, board-and-batten structure with a nice wood stove, a cosy little kitchenette (that's still in progress) and a porch the size of two cabins.

There was some controversy about the placement of the Thornton family shield. Brian had already put it above the kitchen cupboards. Sandy and I felt it would look better over the front door. We'll see in the fullness of time what happens there.

They also already have an original piece of artwork. Erin's roommate from university was an art student and whipped this up in a couple of days over the holidays. Cool, eh?
All it cost was the paint and canvass. Nice.
The round wood-holder is pretty cool too. I didn't get a shot of the wood stove, but it's a doozy and is already keeping the wee place warm while the Thorntons work on the finishes.
They've even got a palatial outhouse to accommodate guests who find themselves needing a bit of relief.
The cabin will, no doubt, be a welcome addition to the Thornton family. Sandy even said it'll be great for the grandkids to hang out in...some day.
Anyhow, it's time to get some work done around the farmette since yesterday was such a write-off. Until next week.