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Christmas 'frondiness'

It's a clear, crisp, cold, snowy day at the farmette. Perfect for getting the final bits done before Christmas.

Yesterday, my sister needed a bit of help with gathering greenery to decorate her home. Since the farmette is in pretty good shape, I thought I'd lend a hand.

Sandy and I have been making our own since we are both a bit shocked and appalled at the exorbitant expense of Christmas displays. $75 for a decent sized wreath. Cripes. She also has 50 acres of bush with mostly maples, but also pine, cedar, spruce and other lovely conifers, which is dead handy if you're even the tiniest bit crafty.

It was a pretty nice day, with no howling wind or swirling white stuff. So, off we went, with her dogs Maya and Marlie as company, on a foraging mission.

For a couple of hours, we stomped through the beaten ( and sometimes unbeaten) pathways that wind through the back forty. Bundled up in snow pants, fully equipped with scarves, mitts and heavy boots, and armed with long and short-handled secaturs, we were the ultimately decoration warriors.

Of course, it was also a great opportunity to catch up on the family doings, chat about how the work-life balance thing is progressing and generally have a giggle-fest.

As for the actual task at hand, it was harder than it looked.

You have to get just the right length of branch, the correct fullness of needles and - ultimately - the perfect 'frondiness' that lends itself to building the best door decoration.

After getting home and getting warm with a steaming cup of hot chocolate, we were also able to erect the 10 foot tree that they had cut a couple of weeks previously. Maya was not impressed with our attempt at decorating her...

Here's the fruits of our labour. We took so much time farting around in the forest that it was getting pretty late. Rob had cooked up a lovely stew back home at the farmette that was calling my name, so we didn't get around to actually making anything.

Oh, well. At least Sandy's farther along the decorating trail than she was before yesterday. And older sister Barb will be coming later in the week to help finalize preparations for the family gathering next Saturday.

I treasure the time I spend with both my sisters. I saw something on the inter web last week about how having a sister makes you happier and healthier. Well, I believe that one in spades. Next up: the big fam-jam celebration.

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