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Winter wonderland at the farmette

So it's a grey, not terribly cold day at the farmette. It's finally stopped snowing. We are at about 8 inches on the ground so it's well and truly winter at the farmette. I thought I'd do a little montage of the sights around the joint. All photos taken in the early morning today after we fed the kittens.

This one is looking out to the back yard. The black walnut trees on the left and the big maple that overhangs the house on the right. The human boot trail leads out to the woodworking shop where the wee ones are ensconced. We're seriously considering bringing them in next weekend. If we can convince Wilma she wants to...

The squirrels are having a heyday bounding along the top of the fence that encircles the farmette yard and house. They leave these cool sculptures on the top where their wee tootsies and bellies have scraped the white stuff.


I'm experimenting with my raspberry canes. Trying to keep them from being eaten to nubs by the damn bunnies - like last winter. It took quite a lot of time and effort to get them corralled under the tomato cages and burlap. Hopefully, we'll have a decent crop next year.

I never quite got around to pulling out the sunflowers once the jays had finished off the last of the seeds. They still look kind of 'winter interesting' in a raggedy sort of way.

I did manage to string some festive lights in the eaves above the deck last weekend. The ice that's accumulated from the melting snow at the back door nearly caused me to take a header. So Rob graciously laid down some cat litter for traction. Not pretty, but much safer, gotta say.

I also installed some twinkly lights at the front of the house in the two bushes that frame the door. They're battery powered, because, with a 154 year old house, there's a dearth of handy outdoor outlets.

Can't believe this picture was taken only a week and a bit ago - November 29th - the same day the intrepid kitten rescue was executed. Note the burlap on the burning bush to protect it from ravenous rabbits.

So, that's it for this week. a little trip around the farmette to show it in it's winter glory. Plus a gratuitous photo of Bea - my office assistant - without whom this blog post could never have happened. Until next week.

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