It's a gorgeous, though chilly day at the farmette. We were weeding yesterday, so a bit creaky this morning. But on the right side of the turf, so there's that.
The world is a strange place right now. I remember in the early 1990s working with a bunch of people trying to project what 2020 might look like for an initiative I was doing for the ministry.
Nothing in my wildest imaginings would have made me believe that we'd be walking around in masks to protect others from a virus, trying to end police brutality and (STILL) fighting racism. AND it's all available 24/7 to everyone everywhere via this weird, wonderful (and at the same time horrible) thing called the world wide web. Mind boggling, really.
In the spirit of taking a wee break from the unrelenting cycle of news, I thought I'd post some pics of my flowers. My great-niece Bianca said she thinks of them when she thinks of me. I'm so grateful for that.
So, here we go:
The poppies are at their peak right now. We have an assortment of mostly the red variety, but this one grows right beside the back porch. The petals look like nature's crepe paper and the centres are in astonishing black contrast. The blossoms only live for about a day or two, but what a show!
The fuchsia-coloured portulaca are really coming through along with the creeping jenny at the side of the walkway to the house.
The colour practically shimmers in the sunshine.
My bridal wreath spirea has exploded - we have bushes planted at various spots around the property. This one is on the west side of the house, beside fence that badly needs a paint job this summer.
The last time we tarted it up was six years ago (!) when my niece Rachel graduated from high school and wanted photos taken around the yard.
I have a 'texture' bed in which there's very little colour besides green - just a touch of pinky-purple allium. But I really like the many different shades there are in this corner under the trees.
I heard recently that Solomon's Seal (the frondy one draping over the dandelions on the left) have really tough root systems that can compete with any others.
Including, obviously, massive, century-old black walnuts.
Finally, there are all kinds of wild flowers growing along the roads and trails that I try to walk nearly every day.
I took the yummy shot below of the woodlands that are right beside the mighty Saugeen river.
Look at all the wild phlox. Gotta take a deep breath and inhale the lovely fragrance. Heavenly.
So that's it for this week. A little journey around the farmette property and down the road a piece.
My world has truly been very small lately. I'm still working away on my business, and have access via that WWW. Had a lovely FaceTime session with sister Sandy yesterday.
But Rob's been doing almost all the shopping because I'm a bit of a chicken about going out. Except for the walks. I need my safe-distance-from-others walks. And I have my flowers.
Hoping all the family and friends are healthy and staying safe. Until next week.