It's a rainy day at the farmette. Got a third of an inch, or 8.3 millimetres over the past 24 hours. I received a certificate last week from the outfit to which I send my daily readings for surpassing 2,000 recordings. Actually, I'm now at 2,122.
Tramping out to the rain/snow gauge every morning after feeding the felines is a ritual I can't shake now. No matter what the weather - up to the knees in snow and howling wind or pouring rain. Mind you, it's just at the back corner of the yard, so not a big hike.
Last night, Rob and I splashed out on a surf and turf dinner. Strip loin steak from our local butcher West Grey Premium Beef, lobster tails, potatoes from Shelburne and salad. Yum. Didn't take a picture, because it was soooo yummy, it was gone before I thought of it.
What I did think of is all the food gatherings we've had over the years, and how much eating figures in the good times we've had. So here a few of the many:

This is from Thanksgiving, 2010. My brother Dan (on the left in front) and his partner Arlene (beside him) hosted dinner for the extended Harris family.

They have a beautiful property just outside St. Thomas that could accommodate the horde. It's been a while since the cousins by the dozens got together - especially given COVID-19 and all. Can't believe this is more than 10 years ago. We had nearly everyone who lives in Ontario at this one, so got the fam-jam photo, too. We all look so young.

This is from an earlier Thanksgiving, at my sister Sandy's place in Erin. It was November, 2007, and the day was so warm, the kids all jumped in the swimming pool!
It was also two years before Mom passed, so this pic of her, my dad and my older sister Barb is a special one.
The hanky hats are a tradition that Rob started up with my family after he and I had a wild New Year's Eve dinner at a Greek restaurant in Toronto with his work friends. Most of them were English, and, after we got into our cups, David, Chris and Simon decided to don the cloth napkins as 'hanky hats' - and we all joined in.

Another tradition we used to have was going to David's restaurant in Erin on New Year's Eve.
Sister Sandy, Brian, Rachel (on Sandy's lap) and Erin (tucked between Rob and me) would have a scrumptious, splash out meal and then go back to the Thorntons to ring in the next year. In this case, I think it was 2005 or 2006. We really look young here...
Finally, the post would not be complete without Sturgeon Point and the many, many amazing times we had there at our friends' cottage - chowing down on excellent grub, reminiscing, story-telling and laughing - lots and lots of laughing.

This is the Canada Day weekend in 2014, and Dana's mugging for the camera at yet another scrumptious supper. So unlike him (not).
Jane's at the end of the table hoisting a lovely white wine and Rob's the camera man. Many excellent memories were made during the summers at the Point and especially around that wonderful antique table.
Hope you enjoyed this culinary trip down memory lane. I also hope all my friends and family can resume the get-togethers once we get vaccinated and done with this damn virus. Stay safe folks. Until next week.