It's a rainy day at the farmette. Cooler than it has been. Looking to tuck in with a good book and let the predicted thunderstorms roar about today.
Yesterday, I turned 57. It's not an auspicious year for me, time wise. But it's quite the eventful seven and a half months the world has experienced. Disease, pestilence, social upheaval, natural disasters and political shenanigans have marked these as trying times, indeed.
Cripes. It's been said a bazillion times, but 2020 truly is a corker of a year and I'm feeling all nostalgic. So taking some solace in good memories from the past might be in order.

Our friends in B.C. sent this photo to us last week from a trip we made in the early 1990s.
At the time, Jane and Dana were living in North Vancouver. We all had waaaayyy less grey hair and we were so slim and trim! Rob and I had flown to Calgary, rented this spanky Mustang convertible and did a western road trip that took us down to Medicine Hat, where Rob's parents were living, through the Crowsnest Pass (where the railway was completely washed out from flooding), into Vancouver, up to Prince George to visit my brother Bob, over to Jasper, down to Banff and back into Calgary. Whew.

Everyone was sooo much younger then. Bob and Joanne's kids (Kate, Geoff and Alex) are now all grown with families of their own. At the time, they were busy with school and soccer and, well, being kids.
Handsome bunch, though, eh?

In 2009, my sister Sandy rented a cottage on Prince Edward Island near Summerside. She, her family, my older sister Barb and a dog drove cross-country in a mini-van to get there. Rob and I opted to, ahem, fly.
We had an amazing week of fun, frolics and food. Here, the three sisters are at Anne of Green Gables house. Because, of course, you have to do the touristy thing.

And, speaking of the touristy thing, here's Rob and I only last year (hard to believe). We took a short break in June to go to the ocean. We both love Halifax and the eastern shore. We hit the weather exactly right. Everyone in town said that they'd had a miserable spring with too much cold and rain. All we got was sunshine the whole time.
Here we are at Peggy's Cove, with Rob pointing out the famous lighthouse while I attempt, yet again, to get a decent selfie.
So that's it for this little travel through time piece. Being with family and friends and going on adventures across this great country are my favourite things in the whole world. While, fortunately, we've able to keep up with the first two (even virtually) during this pandemic, I'm hoping we can put together the third in the not-too-distant future. Until next week.