It's going to be a scorcher again today. Can't believe how hot it has been this week. We went with friends to the Plowing Match down in Walton (about an hour from here) and baked for two hours (which felt like about 10). It was very well-organized and lots of interesting displays, but man, it was a bit too warm for this form. Anyhow. Back here in our tranquil little spot, we're chugging away. Rob's insistence on having air conditioning put in five years ago is truly paying off with a cool respite inside the farmette house! Today, to help take my mind off the craziness that's happening in the world - - POTUS with the itchy trigger finger for North Korea, and being pissy with professional sports teams - I thought I'd take a photographic trip through this summer's flower fest on the farmette. So here goes.
May brought the tulips. Tonnes of them. I'm an unabashed tulip trumpeter. Love them. I keep saying I won't order more. And then I do. I have a box of mixed goodies on the way from Vesey's as I write. Cannot resist. Well, look at the results!
June came and the alliums were out in their purple glory. They are why we have a permanent fireworks display right at the back door every year. If you look hard, you can see my gigantic bleeding heart plant in the background too. Such a sturdy plant and such intricate, delicate flowers.
July brought out the steadfastly reliable hostas and the sunny stella d'oros. I just love the way these beauties keep blooming, and blooming and blooming for about a month in summertime.
August is a bountiful time in my beds. The white echinacea, phlox, and hydrangea are all at their height of gorgeousness.
Finally, September is when the sunflowers shine. This is a rogue plant from last year that I didn't have the heart to pull from the edge of the vegetable garden. Good thing. I think there are about 25 blooms on this one, and it's still producing buds!
Hope you liked this little tiptoe through the tulips and all the other flora at the farmette. Until next week.