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Art (kind of) at the farmette

It's a warmish day at the farmette. About 4C. Almost all the snow has melted, and it's actually been raining. Good day to be indoors.

We have collected quite a few nice pieces of art over the years. Only a very few originals, and most of those by friends or street artists.

Our most recent acquisition was this lovely restaurant vignette from the village of Amalfi. This gentleman had set up shop and was painting water colours at the side of the cobbled street. He had a binder full of his works that I couldn't resist flipping through. Knowing the prices of nearly everything (high), I trepidatiously asked what he wanted for his pieces, and was pleasantly surprised that they were going for 40 to 50 euros.

Now, it hangs in pride of place in my office where I can take a break from staring at the computer screen to stare at Italy for a while.

Quite a few years ago (can't remember, my RAM is rusty), we went to a stunning Emily Carr exhibit at the AGO, and scored this lovely print. The wee church seems to be embedded in the jungly of the mass of the forest - out of sync and perhaps out of touch with its surroundings.

The original was the subject of a bit of a brouhaha this year when the curator of Indigenous Art renamed the painting from Indian Church to Church at Yuquot Village. It was painted in 1929, and Carr herself named it. Different times. Either way, it is a masterpiece, and I'm glad I have a bit of Canadian history (well, a copy) right beside my bed.

Back in my office, I have a couple of Cartier-Bresson photographs that Rob has graciously allowed me to hang and enjoy. He picked these prints up years and years ago (even pre-me, which is about a 28-year stretch).

I love the composition of this photo. Ninety percent street scene in the blazing hot sun, with cool shading and a person running through the frame. You can (barely) see the little girl in motion, stepping lively up the sagging steps, perhaps hurrying home for supper.

Finally, I have a few family photos - which, while they're not art, qualify as as salve to my soul. Here's a corker from about 10 or 12 years ago. My sister Sandy and I were romping around in the snow at their house in Erin at Christmas time, and Rob caught this moment on camera. We lovingly call it the Bob and Doug MacKenzie piece, which, if you're old enough, is pretty self-explanatory.

It now sits beside my wicker sewing kit on the book shelf behind my desk chair.

Well, time to get moving - got a lot of prep work to do to get the farmette house ready for Christmas 2018. Until next time.

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