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Springing up all over the place part two.

It's been so beautiful and there are so many new and returning plants and birds that I have to do a two-parter about spring 2019 on the farmette.

But first, I have to brag on behalf of Rob for his DIY raised bed. Yesterday, we got down to it - using leftover planks from the construction of our new deck a couple of years ago. We decided to go this route because the soil behind the garage is basically gravel.

We trooped out to woodworking shop (yes, we have one of those), carefully measured and cut the pine boards, went to McLean's Home Hardware just up the street for a couple of 4" x 4" posts and chopped them up. Rob used left over screws from the deck job and voila - a new bed for my herbs and some trailing lobelia (probably) for the princely sum of about $30. Okay, we did pay for the decking stuff - but it doesn't count cause it was years ago.

Rob's going to get some copper caps for the post tops to finish it off, and of course we need to get the soil for planting. We'll put another on the other side of the trellis, and it will be magical. I hope.

All the while we were being carefully watched by the friendly neighbourhood turkey vultures. There seem to be a lot of them this year, and they seem to like the top of the barn to inspect the area for any tasty bits of carrion. It's kind of creepy and kind of cool all at the same time. They are gigantic. Especially when they spread their wings to dry them after a rainstorm.

Last weekend, when we were getting the sheep manure for the veggie garden, of course we had to take a spin through the nursery, and lo and behold, there was a weeping pussy willow that was just begging to jump into our CRV. We obliged.

I have a big soft spot for this tree, because we had one in the middle of our acre of land back when I was a kid growing up in Frome. Every spring, it would put out those soft wee grey pellets that felt like miniature kittens.

According to a Polish legend, that's exactly what they are. Wee kittens that were chasing butterflies got too close to the river and fell in. A kindly willow tree on the bank put its limbs into the water so they could clamber up to safety. Maybe that's where I got my obsession with felines. Or not.

Anyway, now, we have our very own pussy willow in the middle of the front yard at the farmette. Yay.

The tiny windflowers are all over the yard this year. There seem to be more of them, as well. They're actually of the anemone family, and they last for a good two to three weeks.

These little purple and white beauties close up at night and during dreary days like today, and only open their petals when it's really sunny.

Last week, on one of my walks, I noticed that Dr. Melanie's (our veterinarian) pond had some guests. A family of Canada geese decided to make it their home. Five goslings and mom and dad were paddling around, surveying their domain and going about their goose business.

I love the fact that the babies were always tucked between the two protective adults no matter where they went.

Well, I think I'd better wrap things up for this week. I'm hoping to get my spring gear down from the second floor and start wearing some of it - maybe to get the temperature rising to a level where I don't need three layers. Until next week.

Gratuitous photo of my daffodils on a particularly gorgeous spring evening last week.

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