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Boogeying at the Fest

It's a cool morning at the farmette. Lots of dew on the peas...which are just about ready to pick.

It's also festival season, and our wee town did it up right yesterday with the Durham ArtsFest. It's the second year. Local artists get to shine in some of the downtown shop windows and there's music and fun for families and kids all afternoon.

We were so busy around the farmette doing chores all morning that we just took part in the music sessions.

I went to an afternoon concert in which local fitness instructor April - who is helping me keep a bit more toned than I would be otherwise - also plays a mean flute. She's part of a band called Celtic Circle and they entertained a small but enthusiastic audience.

The festival was a real community effort. The parking lot of the Northern Credit Union was closed down as is the stretch of Queen Street in front of it. The Lion's Club put up the beer tent and sold hot dogs and hamburgers.

A little stage was set up close to the building, and the local Conservati​​on Authority lent their picnic tables to the cause. Booths were set up at the opposite end for some of the artists and crafts people to display their wares.

After a lovely dinner at home of local trout and fragrant rice, Rob and I went back to the action, and took in a band called Higher Funktion. Really excellent funk music by some extremely talented folks.

There was a brass section complete with trombone, trumpet and sax, drums, lead and bass guitars. Man, they could they ever rip it. Paul Simon, Bruno Mars and tons of other of other oldies but goodies. The lead singer looked a LOT like Tommy Chong - with better vocal cords.

It was so compelling, I even got up to shake my booty - something I haven't done it, oh about five years.

So it is with a slightly sore behind and wobbly legs that I sign off - tired but very happy I live in this wee place where there's so much talent and people pitch in.

Until next week.

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