It's a grey, dreary day in Grey County and we're looking at a couple more inches (five centimetres) of snow today.
Took a break from the farmette yesterday afternoon and travelled over to my sister's for a socially-distanced tour of the property and walk through the woods. It was a grey day then, as well, until I showed up, and then the sun came out. Told Sandy I brought it with me. HAHAHAHA.

The Thorntons have big plans and with big plans comes big machinery. Look at the size of this excavator that they hired - along with Glen, the guy who runs it - to take out a bunch of trees in preparation for some paddocks.
They have 50 acres all told. Just a small corner at the front-ish part of the property is being cleared to accommodate Trigger (Rachel's horse) and possibly more equines in the future.
You'll notice Marley in most of my photos today - because she's such a photogenic retriever - and just a teensy bit vain.

Here she is just as the sun came out from behind the clouds, looking like the queen of all she sees.

As we started on the trail, Erin decided to dump her mother in the first snowbank. While we laughed and laughed at Sandy's expense, Marley was being very helpful - and actually tried to dig her out.

The scenery was pretty spectacular and the temperature wasn't too cold.
Of course, we were well-bundled in the full Canadian winter regalia of snow pants, coats, toques, mitts and scarves. Again, Marley conveniently meandered through the trail just as I was snapping off this shot of the arched tree.

Dogs and humans had a wonderful time on our hour-long trip to the cabin and back. Here's Erin and Sandy with Sadie the pup. Callie (Rachel's dog) was with us too, but she was running too fast to get her in frame...
We were rewarded for our efforts with a bit of Thornbury Honey Crisp Cider that was stored at the cabin - walking through the woods is thirsty work!
While the pandemic grinds on and the horrible death toll rises every day, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, with vaccines starting to be rolled out across the country.

Days like yesterday make the whole lockdown thing soooo much more bearable.
Here's hoping all the friends and family are able to get outside, get a little silly but stay safe and enjoy the new year. Until next week.