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Festive floral time at the farmette

It's a damp, overcast day at the farmette. We got 2.54 centimetres of rain yesterday and over night - which we needed. The loonies (anti-vaxxers) are out in full force, shutting down an election rally that Trudeau was trying to have in Bolton. Times like this make me despair of ever getting out of this pandemic.

Luckily, I have my flowers. Boy, are they ever putting on a show at the end of the summer! Here's a sampling:

My glads tipped over in the wind the other day, so I had to do some surgery. I usually cut them before all the blooms are out, so they stay nice for weeks. Then, I faithfully pick off all the dead ones from the bottom to the top.

This year, I hit on the idea of chopping the lower foot or so to keep the height down, and prevent tipping. It still makes a nice bouquet, yes?

My black-eyed susans are really glorious. I didn't know until today that they're actually wildflowers. It makes sense - I have clumps all over the farmette property. Which I don't mind, because look at these!

They also last for weeks and weeks. such happy plants.

I was a bit tardy getting the hanging baskets and pots done this year. I usually don't like petunias, but these waves are pretty nice. They're looking a bit droopy from the rain, but they've been good performers, too.

I just love it when everything cascades the way they're supposed to.

When the cannas I ordered and planted didn't show up in the big pots, I had to scramble a bit in mid-July to find something that might fit the bill.

Luckily, the Independent grocery store in Hanover had some gorgeous begonias on end-of-season discount. I got two for $14! Pretty spanky, eh?

Finally, Rob bought me this lovely penguin for my birthday, and I had to find a place of honour for it. I've named him Percy and he now lives in front of our fantastic zebra grass. It took about five years to get this full, but worth it, don't you think?

It's still looney-tunes out there in the wide world, with Afghanistan falling to the Taliban, Hurricane Ida wreaking havoc in the southern U.S., and the pandemic going into a fourth wave. Hopefully, with this bout, and with nearly 70 per cent of us Canadians fully vaccinated, we won't see quite as many hospitalizations and deaths.

It's more than nice to have cultivated some beauty and tranquility at the farmette when all about us is crazy-making. Here's hoping all the friends and family are finding solace in their own ways, too. Until next week.


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