It's sunny and 19C at the farmette today. Feels like we went from winter to summer with a half-hour of spring.
Today, I wanted to reflect a bit about resilience and renewal. I find the resilience of plants and trees astonishing. Despite six inches of SNOW on May 10th, they all, to a plant, bounced back. I also really like getting new ones, and experimenting with different flowers and how they do in our beds. Just ask Rob, who laughs every time I go to the nursery and say "I won't be long, just grabbing a few bits and bobs."
He knows better. I always come back with at least a flat of beauties. Most years. This year's a bit more taxing, with the physical distancing. I wore a mask on Friday when I went to the Canadian Tire to stock up because I knew it would be busy. Gotta say, it's surreal, and not a little uncomfortable, walking about with your face covered.
But, it seems like it's the new normal. A lot of things are going to change out of this pandemic, methinks.
Anyhow, I did manage to score a flat of portulaca, and because the bright green creeping jenny came back from last year, I chose to interplant the bright pink fuschia kind. Hoping it will look stunning along the walkway beside the house.
My ostrich ferns - which I inherited from my good friend Pat - are unfurling like there wasn't a cold snap at all. They are tucked under the big clump of black walnut trees that stand guard in the corner of the farmette yard.
I decided to get slightly crafty this year. I'm not really good at making stuff - the glue from guns always seem to stick more to me than the tchotchkes I want to make. Love that word, by the way.
But we have a few old teapots that I collected over the years.
All it took was an S-hook, some potting soil and a calibrachoa plant (the ones that look like little tiny petunias). Hoping that the black-eyed susans will reach up and meet the pot later in the summer to great effect. Fingers crossed.
I also dusted off my "Don't Piss off the Fairies" sign and put it in pride of place under the bird bath, which I had to fill this morning.
Can't wait to see the lineup of finches, sparrows and robins that (actually) take turns having a flap in the basin.
Obviously, the bed needs some weeding. Today's chore.
The combination of having resilient, steadfast perennials and lively new annuals is winner, in my books.
It's kind of like people. We need the older ones who can tough it out year on year and the fresh-faced youth to keep things interesting and moving forward.
Especially in these pandemic times.
Until next week.