It's a gorgeous day at the farmette. A bit cool this morning, but supposed to go well into the high teens Celsius this afternoon. Road trip in the Miata, I'm thinking!
Before then, we've got some prep work in the vegetable garden (picking stones - yeeeehaaawww!) and some tilling.
Today, there is a tiny spark of hope at the end of the tunnel that this pandemic may be lifting. Perhaps. Some governments are allowing some shops to open, and here in Ontario, the golfers are out. While things are very far from back to some kind of new normal, the world is feeling a tiny bit less locked down today.
On the farmette, the flowers are bursting, the kittens are growing, and the wildlife is flourishing.
One of the biggest breakthroughs is Wilma. She's decided to be a sucky cat! The tortoiseshell virago we rescued from the toolshed last fall - with quite a bit of pain and bloodletting on our part - is getting downright friendly.
Here she's sleeping on Rob's lap. Yes. That's snow in the background on April 22nd!
Hard to believe that was just more than a week ago. Since then, the grass has greened up, the buds are out on the lilacs, crabapples and maples and I've been able to make little spring bouquets from the beds.
Of course, I have to place them well above eye level because a certain kitten named Fred will not leave them alone if he can get at them. So here's a sample I put atop the hoosier in the kitchen - forsythia branches will have lovely yellow blossoms, daffodils and purple hyacinths that suffuse the whole room with an amazing perfume. Yay spring!
Ralph and Alice, our semi-resident Canada geese have returned, and Hobbes - the big orange tabby - decided he might like to give them a bit of exercise by chasing them yesterday. Good thing I caught him in mid butt wiggle because those big birds pack a big whack when threatened. Even a 22-pound fur ball with teeth and claws would lose that battle. He's a good boy, and pretty mild mannered, so when I screamed at him (literally), he came back to me. Whew, vet bill averted.
Anyway. the sun is streaming into my wee office and the outdoors is calling. Not to mention my stomach is growling for some toast, fruit and yogurt.
Stay safe everyone. Lots of love to friends and family. We miss you, but we'll get together again soon. Hang in there.