It's a gloomy but warm spring day at the farmette. Yesterday was much the same, with a tiny, wee, little, inconsequential bit of rain. The gardens and beds need waaaaay more.
The pandemic rages on, although it is kind of, sort of, getting under control. At least my sister Sandy and I have our first shots. Wednesday was a red-letter day for us. Got the vaccine in the morning in Hanover and, to celebrate, we went plant shopping.
Dropped a bundle at the Canadian Tire and at our local Co-op. Life is good.
I thought that, today, I would show how my regular walk has changed since the winter.
The path I take is actually a snowmobile trail when the white stuff is on the ground.
The first section - about 1/2 kilometre from the farmette - is lined with lilacs and they're blooming!
I just love the sight and smell of lilacs. It makes me want to bottle the scent. Just wondering - if we can record - ad nauseam sometimes with social media - all the sights and sounds of our lives, why can't we tape smells? We have Panavision, why not Scentorama? Anyhow, back to the regularly scheduled post...
Lilacs (Syringa vulgaris) are hardy, come in hundreds of colours and are long-lived - some get to more than a century! They're one of the best harbingers of spring, can grow to 10+ feet tall (like the ones on the trail) and were transported from Europe in the 17th century. They also were traditionally planted near the outhouse to mask the odoriferous emanations from farm families.
The wild phlox along the bank of the mighty Saugeen are starting to bloom. My domesticated ones haven't even reached their proper height yet.
These beauties also pump out a lovely scent and are native to North America. They represent, agreement, harmony and partnerships, which is why they're a welcome part of the farmette family.
On the opposite side of the path from the river, there's a cluster of wee violets. These bloomers can also be scented, and they are extremely popular - three states (Illinois, Rhode Island and New Jersey) have them as their state flower.
They've been around since 500 B.C. when the Romans used them in medicines and to make wine. Yum.
While some think that they're close to being weeds, because they do tend to take over whole swathes of ground once they're established, I still like them - especially in the wild.
I never in the past noticed how many honeysuckle bushes are along the trail. These are gorgeous, and it's amazing how I can't remember seeing them before. I guess you have LOOK before you can see.
Anyhow, they are lovely - and they are sweet smellers, too. They can be invasive, symbolize happiness - so that's a plus - and there's a quirky Scottish connection because in the old days, farmers would hang honeysuckle from their barn doors to keep their cattle from being bewitched. Who knew? Well, I didn't.
Anyway, if it doesn't rain, I have several hanging baskets that need filling with all the plants I bought at the Co-op over the past week. Here's hoping everyone manages to get out and about this Victoria Day weekend - while staying safe. Stop and smell the flowers, eh? Until next week.