It's a sunny, warm day - the same as it's been all week. We are in for some much-needed rain over night tonight. My flower beds will be thankful.
This week, the theme is serendipity. How cool is it when you, completely by chance, find people who are really, really amazing? Even some who will help you with the chores you've been putting off.

Well, on my walk earlier in the week - the one where I toddle for about three kilometres down Douglas and take a loop through town via the snowmobile trail - I happened on a guy painting one of my neigbour's fence.
We desperately need some painting around the farmette house. The front, especially, needs a lick of white. We also have a LOT of lattice work fencing that needs doing. So, I ambled over and found out that Kyle is actually another neighbour who is a professional painter! Cool.
He's a really great guy who lives across the road and down a few houses with his wife and two wee children. They moved from a rental in Innisfil because they couldn't find anything affordable to buy in that area. Now, they're ensconced in a newer bungalow with a nice yard here in Durham.
He's so busy he doesn't have any fall slots, so we're going to get him to do the work in the spring. Yay.

A second serendipity moment was at my birthday dinner at our new favourite Durham restaurant The Foundry on August 15th. We found out our waitress Ellery is a big fan of the farmette house and property.
Apparently, every time she drives by she remarks about how lovely it is. Of course, we agreed, not being biased at all. We told her she could come by and take a tour, if she wanted, and last Wednesday, she did.
She's lovely too. She lives with her husband in Crawford, which is between the farmette and Hanover - so not far. The young (mid-30s) couple live in an apartment in the back of Simon's parent's place. She told us he has struggled with a chronic liver disease and Ellery has been his solid supporter. While he still needs a transplant, he is doing much better than he was last fall, and they even went on a 20+ kilometre canoe trip recently. Cool.
We had a fantastic visit, and Ellery was duly impressed with the work we've done on the farmette.
I didn't take any pictures of the people - too busy chatting. But I am glad for the little surprising moments that happen around farmette. Until next week.
Gratuitous cat photo is LOOONG throwback to when our now-departed Nora was but a kitten. She's in the window of our porch in Guelph.
