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Spring has sprung!

It's yet ANOTHER snowy day at the farmette. We got a half-inch over night. Winter does not seem to want to lose its grip. Sunny warm days are ahead though, according to the weather forecasters.

Knowing what was coming, I went out yesterday afternoon to catch some of my lovely signs of spring. So I thought I'd share them with you today ahead of our Easter celebration over at the Thorntons.

I have only one hellebores plant, and it is producing like gangbusters. The flowers haven't quite bloomed, but it's close.

The history of the hellebore is quite sketchy. It was used for everything from getting rid of melancholy to purifying homes and banishing evil spirits. It unfortunately is toxic, and until the 18th century, was used to treat worms and digestive problems, resulting in not terribly great results - as in death. Yikes.

They're nice to look at, as long as you don't ingest. Which I definitely won't.

The crocuses have been up for a while. Rob took this photo the other day. This cluster is by the side door. The crocus dates back to the Roman times, and was valued for the lovely inner workings, aka saffron - which, if you've ever bought it, you'll know how valued it is to this day.

Again, I like to observe, not eat, these lovelies.

Here are my pussy willows, in the front lawn. These little puffs of grey always take me back to my childhood.

We had a big tree in the middle of our one-acre property at Frome. I always loved brushing my cheek up against the tickly little buds.

According to Polish legend, a tree felt sorry for a feline mama whose kittens fell into the stream, so it extended its branches down so they could catch on and climb to safety. That's why the willow branches have fur. Which is why it's a favourite - combining cats and plants - two of my obsessions.

The garlic Rob planted last fall is up about three to four inches. He put in two rows this year, so we'll have PLENTY of the yummy bulbs to put in sauces and fry up with just about everything.

These are especially old plants. Archaeologists have found clay sculptures of the bulbs in Egyptian crypts from as far back as 3700 B.C. As a result, it has a long and checkered history, having been used, by turns, as food (obviously), medicine, an aphrodisiac and even as money. Cool, eh?

So there you have it. A little romp around the farmette property with its inklings of spring. Now, I have to prepare for a gigantic lunch with ham and lamb at Sandy's - we are going to be 16 family members today. The first big gathering since the before times. Can't wait.

I hope all the friends and family have a fun and safe Easter, whatever you're up to.

Here's your gratuitous cute cat picture. Calvin, once again taking up residence on Rob's lap. Until next week.


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