It's a grey day in Grey County. We got some snow Friday night - not as much as our more southern Ontario neighbours, and a bit more last night. There's still about eight inches on the ground, but melting quickly.
I'm starting to pick up signs that spring is about to be sprung.
Last week, there were several Vs of geese honking over head.
A couple of weeks ago, Rob caught this picture of the snowdrops peeking through on the west side of the tool shed. They have been covered quite a few times since then. But I bet they're still there, patiently waiting for the last of the snow to melt.
It's also time for me to start plotting and planning my vegetable garden. Every year, I do something a little different. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not so much.
Last year, I grew sunflowers in one raised bed and peas in another. Struck out on both counts.
Actually, the sunflowers were okay, just stunted - only about six feet tall instead of the eight to 10 foot monsters I usually grow directly in the soil. (Pic is sister Sandy and me in 2020). The pea harvest sucked out loud. I think we got like one decent feed from the twenty or so seeds I put in. They're going back into the big garden this year too.
I'll be ordering from Vesey's, as usual. Carrots, beets, onions - all the root vegetables a good Scot like Rob prefers. He's in charge of potatoes. of course.
We usually cheat and buy tomato and pepper plants. But all the rest is from seed. I never get tired of marvelling at the size of, say, a 12-inch carrot that comes from a tiny seed that could blow away in the wind. Amazing.
Anyhow, it's a short one today. Gotta get going on my garden projects. Until next week.
Gratuitous cat photo courtesy of the boys (Hobbes on the left, Calvin on the right and Fred in the foreground), who like to loll around in the sunshine that comes through the mud room door.